The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is a part of our website where members can find answers to address common concerns, questions or objections they may have. If you still have questions or concerns after reviewing the FAQs or if your question is not listed, please contact your building rep. A list of the building reps and their extensions can be found on the “Association” tab. Simply click on the link.

  1. Is this a gripe or a grievance? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, then you may have a grievance and you should contact your building rep with your concern (s).  (A complete list of the building reps can be found under the “Association” tab.)
    -Has the contract been violated?
    -Has there been a violation of federal or state law?
    -Has a well-established past practice been violated?
    -Has there been a violation of the district’s rules or policies?
  2. I have been non-renewed. Should I resign? As soon as you find out that your contract will not be renewed, you should write up a professional resignation letter and turn it in to your administration as soon as possible. This might seem like a small or insignificant step, but it’s an important one. A non-renewal might affect your ability to get a job in the future, so you want the record to show that you resigned. Then in future interviews, simply say that it wasn’t a good fit. (weareteachers.com)
  3. Sick bank:
    When am I eligible to donate sick days? Sick days can only be donated in September by existing employees and in January for new hires hired before the start of the school year. New hires hired after the start of the school year must wait for 120 calendar days before being eligible to donate sick days
    When do sick days have to be donated by? Sick days must be donated by September 12 if you are an existing employee and by January 1 if you are a new hire. New hires hired after the start of the school year must wait for 120 calendar days before being eligible to donate sick days.
    I have already donated two sick days, do I need to donate more? If you have already donated a total of two sick days then there is no need for you to donated more. If the sick bank drops below 50 days, the association will send out notification asking for people to donate sick days to increase the bank’s total number of sick days.
    How do I apply for sick days?
    On our member web page under the “members” tab you fill find a drop down link called “forms”. Clicking on this will give you access to the forms needed to apply, as well as to donate sick days.
    I didn’t donate any sick days, can I still apply for some? Only district employees who have donated to the sick bank are eligible.
  4. When is the appropriate time to use a Personal Day? Article XX, Section A of the master agreement states that special purpose leave “…may only be used for unavoidable personal business or personal affairs which cannot be transacted other than during the employee’s work day.” When completing a special purpose leave request form, members are instructed to only enter “as per the master agreement,  article XX Section A” in the notes to administrator section.
  5. How can I become a member of the GEA?
    Super easy!  Visit this link to NEA-NH and sign up online!